Having come up with a neat theory about the final Cylon, Sarah has changed her mind and has now formulated another BSG theory, which, if I'm honest I don't like at all, although I have to admit it sounds more plausible than the earlier one about Dualla - but I still hope it's not true.
So, without further ado, here is Sarah's definitive BSG theory in her own words:I read the beginnings of this theory on a board last year, and now that I’ve seen Friday’s episodes, I am 98% certain that it’s not a theory at all: it is the connection between the Cylons. Like, there’s not really a question in my mind right now. And what does it mean? Well, among other things, I am relieved because it seems to indicate there’s been a plan all along.
*** Long complicated BSG theory below with spoilers through Season 3 AND Season 4!!! I know there are people who read here who haven’t watched these episodes yet, and I don’t want to spoil anyone, so I’m actually sticking this under a cut. On which you should NOT CLICK. ***(OK, I don't know how to do a cut, so if you've not seen Season 3 yet and you don't like spoilers, stop reading now-now-now.)In the episode “Six of One” that aired on Friday, we saw the Cylons begin to splinter due to internal disagreements between models. One of the coolest things was that we FINALLY learned everyone’s model number.
1- Cavil
2- Leoben
3- D’Anna
4- Simon
5- Doral
6- Six
7- ?
8- Boomer
9- ?
10- ?
11- ?
12- ?
Now we know there’s this “Final Five” whose identities aren’t known to the regular seven Cylons. Four of them– Anders, Tory, Tigh, and Chief– appeared to be revealed in the Season 3 finale. One is still out there, presumably in the Fleet. When the “Final Five” idea was aired, we were all like, “What the hell. They came up with this at the last second. They’re making things up as they go along. THE NUMBERS DON’T EVEN MATCH UP. How are they going to explain that?” Because, obviously, the Five being special, you’d assume them to be made first, thus making them Numbers 1-5. But they’re not, since we already know 3 is D’Anna and 5 is Doral. OK, then. Maybe they’re #7-12? But they’re not, because we know Boomer is an 8.
It’s always been obvious that the number 12 is important in the show. 12 colonies of Kobol, 12 Lords of Kobol, 12 Cylon models. But what’s the significance of this? There are about a billion different theories you can come up with… and then I re-watched Home Part 1 and Home Part 2 last week. It was something Sharon said on Kobol that I couldn’t forget.
Elosha: “And the blaze pursued them, and the people of Kobol had a choice. To board the great ship, or take the high road through the rocky ridge.”
Valerii (continuing): “And the body of each tribe’s leader was offered to the gods in the tomb of Athena.” And the great ship was the galleon that departed from here, where we’re standing. And it took the founders of the thirteen colonies to their destiny. And those that didn’t board the galleon took the high road, a rocky ridge that led to the tomb.
So wait. What? There was some sort of sacrifice or ritual suicide of 12 leaders? What if… the Lords of Kobol weren’t gods at all? What if the leaders of the tribes had some sort of power… to live over and over, to project their consciousnesses? Wouldn’t that make them look like gods to the humans they lived together with? What if… the original Cylons go off into space at the end of the first Cylon war and they run into… something or someone… out there? For this to be the case, each Cylon model would have to be the leader of a colony.
First Mike and I kicked around the idea of the Cylons each matching up with a god. But the problem is, although we can assume they more or less match up with the Greek gods, we’ve only actually heard the names of 7 or 8 of the Lords of Kobol. And besides, how would you get the numbers 1-12?
The Zodiac.
Check it out. The names of the 12 Colonies of Kobol are derived from the 12 zodiac signs. Caprica = Capricorn, Gemenon = Gemini, Picon = Pisces, etc. When they’re in the Tomb of Athena, Laura Roslin acknowledges this, saying the symbols on the 12 Colonies’ flags are based on constellations, which used to have different names: the names of our Earth zodiac. Watch what happens when you look at the zodiac signs, not based on the calendar year, but as numbered 1-12:
1. Aries - a leader type, blunt and to the point, tendency to force ideas on others, strong-willed. Cavil is Model Number One.
2. Taurus - persistent, sensual, loyal, can be possessive. Leoben is Model Number Two.
3. Gemini - curious to a fault, intelligent, can be two-faced, excellent sign for careers in journalism. D’Anna is Model Number Three (when she’s in the fleet, she’s a documentary filmmaker).
4. Cancer - Nurturing, emotional, a caregiver, suited to medical careers. Simon is Model Number Four (we see him masquerading as a doctor on Caprica).
5. Leo - Egotistical, likes to be center stage, outgoing, suited to careers such as actor, tour guide, or public relations. Doral is Model Number Five (and he’s also a PR guy when we meet him).
6. Virgo - Perfectionist, practical, high sense of duty, places value on appearance/beauty. Six is, obviously, Model Number Six.
8. Scorpio - Associated with transformation and rebirth (!!), hardworking, complex, secretive, can become vindictive, does well in a military career. Boomer is Model Number Eight.
Now. We’ve got four known Final Five Cylons. And we’ve got four slots open that are all in a row. Why not see if our four known Cylons fit? I’ll tell you why I’m putting these four here in a minute.
9. Sagittarius - Easygoing, idealistic, values freedom highly, honest, often athletic. It seems like an easy choice to plug Sam Anders in at Model Number Nine.
10. Capricorn - Ambitious, serious, detail-oriented and organized, responsible. “Capricorns make great civil servants, law enforcement specialists, politicians, and members of any other administration or government profession.” Tory is most likely Model Number Ten, as Roslin’s chief of staff.
11. Aquarius - Rigid and dogmatic, derives a sense of identity from groups and their goals, impersonal and detached, sometimes eccentric, they love to think they’re right. “People born under this sign are said to be the strongest and the weakest people in the world.” Tigh is my choice for Model Number Eleven.
12. Pisces - Compassion and empathy, selfless work, a person people can count on, self-sacrificing, can be associated with mysticism (remember the Temple of the Five). Chief is Model Number Twelve. (He’s said to fans that he’s been told he’s #12, but it’s not officially confirmed.)
Why did I skip #7? There are two reasons.
1) It seems to make sense that the four we know go in the four slots next to each other. Now that I’m certain the numbers are based on the zodiac signs and therefore aren’t chronological, this is sort of a leap to make. But… it works for me because those four signs fit the four members of the Fleet who heard the music. And because…
2) #7 would be our final hidden Cylon. And there is absolutely no better choice than the Libra.
7. Libra - This sign is represented by the scales, bringing balance. Strives for peace and harmony. A communicator, mediator, and negotiator. Sociable and somewhat intellectual, just, charming, “peace at any price”, represents the laws of civilization.
My first thought was, “Shit. It’s Lee.” But it could also be Roslin. I don’t like either of those characters as the final Cylon model, but I have to admit it fits with the sign. Clearly the Libra being the last one makes sense, because this is the person who is going to bring the two sides — Cylon and Human– together.
And finally, the final piece of my theory is that I think the real entity controlling things– the Hybrids, HeadSix, HeadBaltar, and HeadLeoben– is not the Libra, ultimately, but an unknown 13th. The “One True Cylon God”? Maybe, maybe not. But I do think there’s going to be the last of the Final Five, and there’s going to be someone else. And I think there’s a connection between all those visions that have been guiding certain people and groups all along to some place where things are going to come together.
Oh nooooooooo! Don't let it be Lee. Please, pretty please RDM, don't make it be Lee.