Tuesday, May 05, 2009

A new blog

This is a quick post to let you know that I've created a sister blog to this one, mainly to publish photos with very little text - ideal for days such as today, when I'm rushed off my feet.

The blog location is: www.randomsnapshotsdotcom.blogspot.com.

I'm planning to post the same Wordless Wednesday photos as I do here, with more photos either side, usually representing what I've been up to on each day. It might become an electronic photo diary, or somewhere to dump photos that aren't special enough to be dressed with words, or perhaps it'll turn out to be an interesting blog in its own right.

Either way, this will continue to be my main blog, but I thought I'd mention the new one in case anyone has a particular interest in amateur photography.

(Well, you never know).


Fifi Flowers said...

Good Luck with a second blog! I just updated my painting gallery blog today... it had not been updated in awhile... some times it is hard to keep up!

Tinsie said...

Yeah, I'm already starting to think that two blogs is probably one too many. We'll see how it goes :-)

stromsjo said...

One doesn't have to update constantly. Post stuff when you feel like doing so. I think it's a good idea to have different blogs as long as there's an idea about their respective reasons for being.

Good luck!