I've not done much blogging in the last few days, as I've been busy with other fun things. Yesterday, I spent all day watching old "24" episodes with my friend Pamela. We had a marathon session with twelve episodes back-to-back, a real treat!
Earlier today I went to Heathrow airport to meet my friend Kostas who was transitting through London on his way to Dubai via Athens, Hungary and Croatia. Kostas is a jet-setter. He also enjoys good food and wine, and I've shared many an excellent meal with him. We spent three happy hours at Carluccio's at Terminal 5, having lovely food, great wine and lively conversation. Apologies to the people sitting closest to us, I know we were quite animated but we hadn't seen each other for over a year and we had lots of catching up to do. Plus we're Greek, so we're loud. It's in our DNA.
Later I went for a walk by the Thames in Greenwich. It was 9 PM by then and it was still light, so I took some photos for my other blog. I love the longer days we get in summer, and can't wait for them to grow even longer.
The tide was out, so the Thames foreshore was exposed. Not very inspiring as beaches go, but it's the best we have. It can be pretty good on a warm summer day, not that we're getting many of those at the moment, but there's no harm in dreaming.
All in all, this has been a good week, and here's hoping for an even better weekend!
It sounds like a GREAT week, Tinsie! The food definitely looks better than the beach, but I'll bet you needed that walk after the long, lovely meal.
Have a great weekend!
Συγνώμη που γράφω εδώ, αλλά δεν βλέπω πουθενά το μειλ σου...
Θα έρθουμε στο Λονδίνο στα τέλη Ιουνίου και σκέφτηκα μήπως θα είχες να μας προτείνεις κάτι ως "ντόπια", που εμείς πιθανόν να μην το έχουμε σκεφτεί...
Θα μείνουμε μερικές μέρες στο Γιόρκ, ενώ στο Λονδίνο λέω να (ξανα)πάμε στην Πινακοθήκη, στο BFI, και καμιά ημερήσια εκδρομή στο Brighton...
Αν έχεις καμιά ιδέα/πρόταση, στείλε μου μέιλ!
Great to catch up with friend and have a good time, nothing beats that Tinsie :)
Have not seen such low tide there in England so I'm glad I catch up too ;)
@ Karen: That was just our starter, we also had main and dessert, as well as coffee and biscuits. I sure needed that walk!!
@ Lemon: Αν είσαστε Λονδίνο στις 19-20 Ιουνίου, προτείνω αυτό το φεστιβάλ, επίσης αξίζει πολύ μια περιήγηση με τουριστικό λεωφορείο. Από μουσεία, το Βρετανικό, η Εθνική Πινακοθήκη και η Πινακοθήκη Πορτραίτων, το Victoria & Albert, το Μουσείο του Λονδίνου, το Design Museum, ο Πύργος του Λονδίνου, βόλτα στο More London, Shad Thames και St Katherine's Docks, Notting Hill και Museum of Brands, Greenwich και πλανητάριο... the list goes on! Δες εδώ για φεστιβάλ.
@ Shionge: We do get very low tide from time to time, it's nice when it happens during the day as it means we can go for a walk on the "beach" :-)
I never think of people going to airports just to "meet up." Interesting.
Also, you used the term "looking up" which is the NaBloPoMo theme for the month...I'm doing that...and you're the second blogger in a row in my feed to use the expression today!
Maybe things really are looking up!
Aren't biscuits dessert?
@ Betty: Seriously? I do it all the time. Back when I lived in Athens, we used to go to the airport for drinks and to watch planes come and go, even if we weren't meeting anyone.
I sincerely hope things have started looking up. We've had enough doom and gloom to last us a lifetime!
@ Karen: Ahem. Do you see why I needed that walk?
Ευχαριστώ πολύ :)
Twelve episodes isn't bad. Imagine watching twenty-four episodes back-to-back, that would be a marathon "24" session...
Ahem, indeed! I can't wait for you to come over. I'm going to make TWO desserts to go with our pizza!
Make that three desserts, I don't have anything planned! ;)
@ Lemon: Παρακαλώ! Ελπίζω να σου έδωσα μερικές ιδέες. Αν θες κάτι άλλο, ρώτα ελεύθερα.
@ Per Stromsjo: You need 17 hours for a whole season. I guess it's doable, if you're dedicated, but you have to be up early or stay up very late. I know people who do "24" weekends - that's something I'd like to try once.
@ Karen: Fantastic! Looking forward to it :-)
@ Per Stromsjo: Hahaha!
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